Please note that once you place an order with us, we aim to have it processed and shipping out to you as quickly as possible.
However, please keep in mind that order processing times may vary based on the volume of orders we receive, current stock levels, and other factors.
Estimated delivery dates or shipping speeds provided at the time of checkout are based on the shipping option you select and do not take into account any possible processing delays that may occur before your order is dispatched.
We appreciate your understanding in this matter and assure you that we will do everything we can to get your order processed and shipped out to you as efficiently as possible.
Delivery Estimates for International orders:
Orders over $69 are eligible for free standard international shipping. However, customers may be responsible for customs, duties, and taxes fees based on their country.
The shipping time frame for international orders is 8-14 business days, but delivery dates and times cannot be guaranteed.
Misdelivered packages and PO Boxes:
Our company is committed to providing reliable and timely shipping services to our customers. However, we would like to draw your attention to certain circumstances where we are not liable for misdelivered packages due to incorrect addresses or shipped to PO Boxes.
Customers are advised to provide accurate and complete shipping addresses while placing their orders. Failure to provide a correct shipping address may result in delayed or misdelivered packages. In such cases, our company is not liable for any losses or damages incurred.
In the case of international shipments, we will endeavor to use reliable carriers to ensure proper delivery. However,if a package is returned to us as “Return to Sender” by the carrier due to the inability to deliver it, we are not liable for any losses or damages incurred. In such cases, customers will be responsible for any additional shipping charges incurred for resending the package.
If you have any questions or concerns about our shipping policy, please feel free to contact our customer support team We will be happy to assist you in any way possible.
Lost Packages:
We strive to provide our customers with a seamless and hassle-free shopping experience. As part of this commitment, we offer a comprehensive shipping policy to ensure that our customers receive their products in a timely and efficient manner.
We partner with reliable and trusted carriers to deliver all of our packages, but unfortunately, there are situations where packages may be lost in transit. In the event that your package is lost by the carrier, you may request a full replacement of your order, as long as the carrier certifies the lost status.
To request a replacement, please get in touch with our customer support team and provide your order number and any relevant information regarding the lost package. We will work with the carrier to confirm the status and arrange for a replacement shipment to be sent to you.
Please note that we are not responsible for lost or stolen packages after they have been delivered to the shipping address provided by the customer.
We strongly recommend that customers provide a secure shipping location to prevent any issues.